NetSuite with a Mission.
Social Data Systems is an Oracle|NetSuite Alliance Partner that helps businesses migrate from legacy software to the NetSuite ERP platform. Our customers range from small companies selling goods and services in their local community, to international agencies providing aid and services to people in need across the globe. Our services include full implementation and data migration from financial, CRM and other platforms, customization, third-party integrations, training and more.
As a mission-driven company, we exist not only to help businesses improve operations through better software, but to help expand access to technology for communities in need. To do that, we commit both money and staff to technology-based programs in three primary areas: helping people with disabilities gain technology skills, improving the environment and living conditions, and lending our extensive background and experience to the development of regional digital inclusion programs.
Our Services.
Our team will work with yours to migrate your existing systems – however many there may be – over to the NetSuite platform.
Our Customers.
We provide services to small and medium-sized businesses who provide products and services to customers local or worldwide.
Our Mission.
Our mission is to be a part of the good we want to see in the world. We achieve this by supporting the development of community technology programs.