Ennovent is a business, network and community to effectively take business ideas to low-income markets. They aim to achieve sustainable development in low-income markets globally that provides extensive business opportunities.
NURU International
Kierstyn Hancock2017-11-16T20:47:26+00:00NetSuite Use: Financials
Migrated From: Quickbooks
Locations: United States; Africa
Nuru International ends extreme poverty in remote, rural areas by equipping local leaders with the tools and knowledge to build self-sustaining, self-scaling impact programs to lift their communities out of extreme poverty within seven years.
Cowichan Green Community
admin2017-11-16T20:47:30+00:00NetSuite Use: Financials
Migrated From: Quickbooks
Location: Canada
Cowichan Green Community Society, (CGC) is a non-profit organization that has been focusing on environmental sustainability in the Cowichan Region officially since March 2004. Since 2007, CGC’s mandate has revolved mainly around improving food security by developing strong relationships with local food producers and increasing urban and rural food production.